Welcome to the Miscellaneous Musings of T & J. In case you were wondering why you were wasting your time
and reading this, it is important for you to know we do have a point. Really. Keep reading. Still there?
Wow, you're quite persistent. Or just really bored. Me too. That's why I'm still typing this random nonsense.
BAM! That's the sound of your head hitting the desk. Sorry, I really will start typing something with merit.
So, this is a site my friend and I created to share our thoughts, ideals, and opinions on the world and all of its peculiarities.
This site features our own personal pages about... ourselves of course!
We will also have a podcast that is guaranteed to be completely nonsensical and will probably change topics randomly.
There will be an opinion page that have rants written by both of us. Not to mention, since we are avid writers
(bet you couldn't tell), we will have a page dedicated to the stories and poetry and whatever else we write just for your
viewing pleasure.