The Miscellaneous Musings of T & J

Personal Page

Radio Muse
T's Page
J's Page

It is J's page! Where the truth comes out of the closet, and your feelings might get hurt. But read on!

[T is a] Screwball

So I guess this is my page. I'm not quite sure what I'll do with it yet, but T is a freak and she outlined the whole website in a word document, so when I have the time, and don't have to go to work early in the morning, I'll consult the document and get back to you. For now, enjoy the fact that I've taken the time to do anything at all.


Just to let you know, I've posted a's the url:
Oh and don't worry, the entry may be a lil' depressing right now, but it's just cause I'm stressed.

"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination." – Albert Einstein